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Rob Kane

Rob Kane CEO

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Rob retired as CEO of JSE listed Texton Property Fund Limited (formerly VPIF) in mid-2015 which he started in 2006 and then listed on the JSE in 2011. Since inception, Rob grew the fund to an asset value of R5.5 billion comprising 350,000m2 of commercial, retail and industrial buildings throughout South Africa. In 2014 Rob diversified the business offshore and the fund had 25% of its asset base in the UK. In the same year, he concluded a BEE transaction placing 26% of the listed shares in black hands.

In addition, Rob is the non-executive Chair of the Cape Town City Improvement District (CCID), a Public-Private Partnership which is responsible for public safety, urban management, social development, and PR/Communications. The CCID is accepted as the organization primarily responsible for the turnaround of the Cape Town CBD.

Rob sits on the South African Property Owners  Association Board for the Western Cape Committee and is an occasional lecturer at UCT.

Rob holds a B.Sc. Civil Engineering degree from UCT and an MBA from Bath University, UK. Text content

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